The Magnificent Grace of the Divine

I hope this message offends some people (but in a positive way!)
Back in March of 2020, when The-Virus-That-Must-Not-Be-Named wiped out the business I was building, somehow I trusted everything was not only be okay, but even better!
Old structures needed to be broken down, so something better can emerge!
I knew I had to start listening to my internal guidance system, so I did.
The message I felt I received was along the lines of, “Stop working so hard, let me take care of you.”
So I listened. For me different sources of support came rolling in through a myriad of ways to support me, and it wasn’t just financial.
Perhaps most importantly, it allowed me to do some real gutsy inner work, but also enjoy a lot of incredible things.
As 2021 is beginning, I am fascinated to see where I am today compared to January 2020.
My income has increased significantly (lots of miracles), my mind is sharper and I am learning to fend off the dark thoughts.
I really feel that a lot of people need to hear this message. “You don’t have to work so hard, the Divine has your back!”
I am grateful to connect with you today.