Not Everything is the Devil

Today I want to talk today about how “Not everything is the devil”.
Perhaps in the spiritual community, there can be a tendency to over-spiritualize things. You had a moment of depression, “You have a spirit of depression.” You cussed, “You have a spirit of anger” You had a moment of feeling of not liking yourself, “That’s a spirit of self-hatred.”
Today, I would like to propose one idea outside of the devil of what this could be. It can be a person beliefs and their subconscious mind that are affecting their lives.
If a person has a belief embedded in their unconscious mind of “I’m not worthy”, I am sure the person is going to have a moment of feeling depressed in their lives and it isn’t the “devil”
You see beliefs and the unconscious mind can play an such a powerful way in a person lives out their lives. Think of the mind as like an iceberg, the conscious mind is the tip of the iceberg and the unconscious mind is what is underneath the water (like the operating system of a computer).
Have you ever ran into someone with a bunch of great ideas, but then it’s like they get in their own way? It could be because the subconscious mind is running the show and the subconscious could be playing the hardware of, “Yea that’s a great idea, but I’m not worthy of that”
I believe that’s why you see such a great emphasis of having a renewed mind in the scriptures.
Enjoy your day!