Don’t Let Everyone Pray For You.

Marc Kutylowski
1 min readAug 12, 2019


There is actually wisdom in not letting everyone pray for you.

For the most part, I believe people have good intentions when they say something like, “I’ll be praying for you,” but have you ever wondered what the heck they are even praying for?

Recently, a situation happened where a person came enthusiastically up to me and said, “I want to pray for you.” I respectfully declined and said no thanks. After a little push back from this person, I told him, “Thanks but no thanks” again.

And I tell you what I actually respected the person more after he didn’t pray for me.

I’m not going to get into the specifics of why I didn’t want him to pray for me, but something felt off about the prayer so I backed off.

Lesson: Find people that you trust to pray for you, you don’t need to take in every prayer that someone prays because not all of them are meant for you even if it comes from a good heart.



Marc Kutylowski

Hi! Name is Marc Kutylowski and I like to share stories from my own life walk and impart the wisdom I have learned!